Reducing Emergency-department Usage in People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Provincial Health Systems in Canada

Nov 22, 2018
Programs(s): Stakeholder dialoguesCitizen panels
Canada has one of the highest rates of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the world, affecting approximately one in every 150 Canadians. Given the burden of IBD and the many complications associated with its appropriate diagnosis and care, it has been deemed a priority issue in Canada.
This specific topic was prioritized by members of the IMAGINE Network and the McMaster Health Forum, presenting an issue that can act as a powerful exemplar for government policymakers to consider how to systematically deal with issues pertaining to complex single conditions, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach to chronic-disease management. Specifically, in determining how to ensure appropriate, cost-effective services for IBD are available to those who need them, policymakers will have the tools to think through how they can establish nimble health systems that are positioned to develop a range of condition-specific responses when necessary.