Ameya Bopardikar
Ameya's interests lie in supporting the development of tools for knowledge translation, and he has a wide variety of health-related experiences from many international contexts. As a Forum Fellow he was involved in developing an issue brief for a stakeholder dialogue on the engagement of civil society organizations in health systems. Ameya continued his international experience at the World Health Organization with the Evidence-Informed Policy Networks (EVIPNet) program, where he was involved with the development of a new relationship between EVIPNet and the Micronutrition department. After graduating from McMaster University’s Bachelor of Health Sciences program, Ameya entered the medical school at the University of Toronto, and is involved in health systems as a LEAD Scholar. He has worked on projects that support models of care for the aging population in Ontario, and has worked with the University Health Network – Mount Sinai Hospital’s Division of Geriatrics, in understanding models of emergency avoidance, and developing and testing tools for family physicians to address the needs of frail homebound adults. More recently, he was involved with the Centre for Health Market Innovations in developing their framework for performance measurement in health.