Maureen Saha

GSO awardee in Developing Skilled Future Leaders in Strengthening Health and Social Systems (2024)

Maureen is an undergraduate Honours Life Sciences student working towards a minor in Community Engagement at McMaster University. Her research interests include addressing and improving health outcomes for marginalized populations and working towards system-level change. She is working on her thesis within the Department of Family Medicine investigating how we can amplify the voices of people with lived experiences of incarceration within health research. Maureen is actively involved within the McMaster Community and committed to mentoring and developing people through her roles as Community Advisor with McMaster Residence Life and Mentor with MacChangers within the Faculty of Engineering.

As a Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) awardee, Maureen will be travelling to South Africa to work at the Pan-African Collective for Evidence (PACE). Throughout her internship, she aims to develop her understanding of health systems and policy-making in South Africa, working to strengthen her cultural competency skills and develop global connections. Maureen looks forward to learning from the PACE team, and from her experiences in South Africa.

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    Insights (GSO)

    Mar 18, 2022|
    Find out from first-hand accounts the type of work our Global Skills Opportunity students engage in. Read more

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