Sanjeevani Maloor

GSO awardee in Developing Skilled Future Leaders in Strengthening Health and Social Systems (2024)

Sanjeevani Maloor is an undergraduate student specializing in Sensory Motor Systems within the Life Sciences program at McMaster University. Throughout her academic career, Sanjeevani has developed a keen interest in community engagement, public health, science dissemination, and mentorship. Her collaboration with organizations such as Flamborough Connects and the Hamilton Fire Department has deepened her understanding of the importance of intentional dialogue, community involvement, and maintaining integrity in relationships. These experiences have equipped her with the skills necessary to manage and promote health and social well-being across diverse sectors.

As a Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) awardee, Sanjeevani will be participating in a virtual internship with the George Institute for Global Health India. During this internship, she will focus on exploring community action for health (CAH) initiatives in India. Through this opportunity, Sanjeevani hopes to gain valuable insights into the mechanisms and impacts of CAH initiatives, contributing to her goal of advancing public health and community well-being on a global scale.

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