Key Moments for Caregiver Support – Considerations for Ontario Health Teams and Healthcare Organizations
Four million caregivers across Ontario provide an estimated 75% of the care in the system, caring for family, friends, and neighbours. Now, more than ever, reducing the risk of caregiver burn-out and supporting caregiver well-being is crucial. — yet our recent Spotlight Report revealed that 72% of caregivers say they feel so burned out, they’re not sure how they will continue (up from 67% last year). For healthcare organizations to truly improve patient care and Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) to provide more integrated care, caregivers need to be part of the solution, with evidence showing that well-supported caregivers are more likely to provide better care and that caregiver burnout can lead to patients requiring greater hospital usage. OHTs and healthcare partners are well positioned to ensure that caregivers are connected to support for their own well-being. Join our team at the Ontario Caregiver Organization as we walk through opportunities for organizations and OHTs to connect caregivers to support, including the launch of two new resources to enable settings across OHTs to plan for and provide caregiver support. What you’ll learn:
- Why it’s important to build caregiver support strategies, and how to implement them into OHT models of care delivery across your organizations
- First-hand caregiver insight about which interventions can truly make a difference to their well-being
- Two new practical resources, to enable OHTs and organizations to better support caregivers across their settings