Learning Health Systems in Ontario Health Teams: What is the current Capability? And what are the Accelerants and Brakes?
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Join the Health System Performance Network Ontario Health Team Monthly Webinar focused on Learning Health Systems. From April to December 2024, the HSPN facilitated a series of webinars on the Learning Health System. Hundreds of collaborators participated in these events and thousands have watched afterwards. You can review these events on the HSPN OHT webinar page (https://hspn.ca/evaluation/oht/webinars/). With partnerships and presentations from researchers, patients, and Ontario Health Teams leaders, we have discussed 5 “gears” or actions that are required to activate a Learning Health System. There are also accelerants and brakes that can support or slow the activation of a learning health system. These include leadership, data and technology, patient engagement, scientific expertise, laws, regulation and policy. Join us on Tuesday January 28th, 2025 from 12:00-1:30pm EDT to learn about these essential supports for LHS activation and discuss ways that these are being activated. The session will be hosted by HSPN Principal Investigator Dr. Walter Wodchis with special guests. For more information on the Learning Health System Action Framework see: https://ossu.ca/wp-content/uploads/Learning-Health-System-Brief-27Oct2023.pdf.