No Sleep for the Weary: A Cafe Scientifique

While university can be an educational and personally enriching experience, life as a student can sometimes be hectic and stressful. The concept of an ‘all-nighter’ is all too familiar for many students. Getting enough sleep is an integral part of a person’s health and well-being, yet it is often neglected due to school work and the drive for good grades. Kimberly Cote, a professor and sleep researcher from Brock University, and Debbie Nifakis, associate director of McMaster's Student Wellness Centre, will lead this discussion about sleep loss among students. 

Sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

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Season’s greetings

We wish you a restful holiday season and a healthy 2024. We look forward to continuing our work to support health and social systems, and those supporting evidence-informed policymaking, in Ontario, a… Read more