30 Minute Spotlight on Ontario’s Caregivers with CEO Amy Coupal
>> Watch a recording of the webinar
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>> Other reports: Spotlight Report and Preparedness Report
This year’s Ontario Caregiver Organization’s (OCO) Spotlight Report on caregivers once again reveals the increasing toll that caregiving is taking on Ontarians. More caregivers report feeling unable to cope with their caregiving role (32%, up from 28% last year), and 72% now say they feel so burned out, they’re not sure how they will continue (up from 67% last year). It is widely accepted by health system partners that our province is poised to face an unprecedented demand for healthcare, amidst challenges with access to primary care, home care, long term care, hospitals, community support, and social services. This surge will place extraordinary pressure on family caregivers. Join OCO’s CEO Amy Coupal as she shares how caregivers are getting by, and what this means for your Ontario Health Team as you plan for improved patient care delivery and integrated care models. Learn how:
- Ontario’s 4 million caregivers are coping, and what they need for support
- Caregivers are critical to the healthcare system and care delivery
- To leverage caregiver focused strategies that align with your OHT priorities
- BB#3: Patient partnership
- BB#4: Patient care
Target audience
- Broader health system partners
- Cohort 1
- Cohort 2
- Cohort 3
- Cohort 4
- In-development teams
Target OHT role/function
- cQIP leads
- Executive/ administrative leads
- Implementation leads
- Other clinical leads
- Patient and family engagement leads
- Patient, family and caregiver partners
- Primary-care leads
- Priority population working-group leads