Presentations about COVID-END
The COVID-END Secretariat periodically gives presentations about COVID-END, the challenges it was created to address, its achievements in addressing them, and its current and future priorities for addressing them. Below is a sample of recent presentations.
- WHO ECC-19 meeting, 18 February 2021
Supporting the evidence synthesis response to the COVID-19 pandemic – the COVID-END network
- Campbell webinar series, 9 February 2021
Using synthesized research evidence to inform the COVID-19 response
- 2020 National Health Research Conference (Trinidad and Tobago), 18 November 2020
- COVID-END Community Webinar, 2 December 2020
Lessons learned from COVID-END
- ESPIE (Brazil), 3 December 2020
Supporting the COVID-19 evidence response
Horizon scanning (alongside other approaches) to support the COVID-19 evidence response
- Ontario Science Table, 10 October 2020
- Enhancing Value in Research meeting, 15 September 2020
COVID-END: Moving from sprint to marathon in the evidence response to COVID-19
- CanCOVID webinar series, 15 September 2020
COVID-END’s past achievements and current priorities
- Evidence Synthesis Network meeting, 8 September 2020
Evidence synthesis during the ‘marathon phase’ of the pandemic
- World Health Organization Evidence Collaborative for COVID-19 meeting, 27 August 2020